Sizing up billboards – do they work? (soundbite)

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Recently we’ve been getting a LOT of enquiries about billboards. But hardly anyone actually follows through to book them. We get it, they’re pricey + if you’re not sure on the ROI, it’s hard to justify the expense. So, to help take away some of that guesswork, this week’s episode of Marketing + Margaritas sets out to demystify billboards for you!

Regardless of what kind of marketing you’re doing, you should ask yourself the following questions (in order, no cheating!).

  • What are your goals?

  • Who is your target audience who can help you achieve those goals?

  • What do you need to tell that audience so that they do what you need them to do to achieve your goals?

Once you’ve got those nailed down, it’s time to pick marketing channels that serve those goals.

So, bringing that back to billboards, what are some tips for choosing whether or not to go with a billboard?

  • First and most importantly, do you have the money?

    • Even if it’s a 100% home run, if you can’t afford the price tag, it’s not worth taking out a small loan to get a billboard.

  • Do you have a targeted geographic audience?

    • E.g commuters heading into the middle of town or, people travelling on the highway out to the mines!

  • Is your message quick + to the point?

    • If you need to convey a complex or wordy message, then maybe billboards aren’t a good fit. If you’re driving past, you have a few seconds to glance at a billboard. So needing to read more than a few words means parts of you message will probs be missed.

If you answered yes to those questions, then a billboard could be a good fit! As always, your mileage will vary, but it’s a good jumping off point.

For our wrap up tip, marketing is NEVER about just one channel.

It's about all your different touchpoints. You know, those chances that your brand has to intersect with your customers' life - or you know, when you touch them. Yeah okay, that didn't sit right with me either. It's an old term, don't think about it too much!

If you do want to discuss some options, about billboards or anything else marketing, you know where to find us 😉

Rebel Nation